07 Januar 2008


I'm officially baffled that otherwise rational people are starting to ruffle their neck fur on the Obama/Clinton thing. It's baffling for a few reasons. For one thing, neither of these two have many positions on issues that are particularly progressive. I'm gonna let that stand on it's own, the burden of proof is on you if you disagree. Second both have pretty nasty skeletons in the closet, though it's hard to say these skeletons are in the closet, given that anyone who wants to know about them found out long ago. Clinton was involved in tons of shady dealings, both personal and political, and is supposedly responsible for some of the worst blunders of the Clinton years, at least in a public relations sense. Obama has mercifully had less time to incriminate himself, but he's clearly hooked into dirty Chicago politics and who knows the extent of the Rezko-thing.

So this isn't to say that you shouldn't think about which of the two would be better, (or worse, more to the point) cause the media has already declared Edwards out of the race and none of the other candidates have a prayer. But i can't understand getting too committed to either one of the these candidates. The fact that we're left with a choice between them at a time when Americans are more liberal than they've been in, i don't know, decades, is depressing. If anything it's representative of the fact that we on the left have already failed to effectively formulate an agenda that would force politicians to reckon with things like single-payer universal health care. Why invest too much emotionally in a candidate that is bound to disappoint?